Communications and Public Speaking CoP: "Your Life is Your Message"

Speech Title:  "Your Life is Your Message"


You have two choices.  Dig up the stories of your life now or have them buried with you when you go.  Imagine your entire life summed up in a short eulogy delivered by someone that isn’t privy to the real gold at the heart of the stories of your life.   When you are open to seeing your life differently, you can begin to start digging out the golden stories that are in you and unearth the life-changing messages they contain. 

In this very interactive session, I will share with you how I have grown my story file to include over 500 stories, each with a message, that are unique to me and that only I can tell.  There are thousands more that I haven’t yet dug up, but they are there waiting.  You have just as many inside you.  I will share the value of that hidden gold in you and share why it is so important that you unearth that gold.  In the end you will walk away with a beginning inventory and a downloadable workbook to keep you moving forward on your story-digging journey!

Learning Objectives

  • Participants will walk away with a deep understanding of the value of their life’s stories and the messages they contain
  • Participants will have created a short list of stories and a template to help them begin crafting those stories and their hidden messages.
  • Participants will be committed to the process of regular story-digs and will discover ways to organize what they dig up.
  • Participants will realize that their life is anything but boring and that there is a worthy message in the most mundane of life’s experiences.


Speaker: Linda Marie Miller


Speaker Bio:

Linda-Marie is a professional speaker, a certified experiential trainer and an ICF certified coach.

Her signature program, “Champions of Change” is a visionary leadership development program designed to transform everyone into visionary leaders in their lives, in their organizations, in their families and in their communities.  

Linda-Marie second signature program is “Mastery in Action”, a transformational speaker certification program for those committed to transforming the way they speak so that they can impact the lives of others and create sustainable cultural change.

In addition to developing and delivering trainings, Linda-Marie coaches individuals committed to elevating their lives and living the dream through her “Life of No Regrets” coaching program.

As a professional speaker, Linda-Marie has spoken around the world about Authentic Leadership

and creating One Shared Humanity in a world that works for everybody.

Event Details

Event Date 07-11-2023 5:45 pm
Event End Date 07-11-2023 8:00 pm
Cut off date 07-11-2023 3:00 pm
Registered 58
Available place 42
Individual Price Free
No. of Power Skills PDUs 1.25
PMI Event Number C022MY8UCI
Location Virtual Meeting

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